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Liquid Containers such as Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) Tanks and High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Plastic Drums
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Brand New Schutz IBC Tank (1000 litres) - MX 1000 Dimensions (cm): 120 (L) x 100 (W) x 116 (H) Capacity: 1000 litres, 265 US gal Features: Approved for filling products of a maximum density of 1.9 Perfectly...
Highly Efficient IBC Tank Agitator / Mixer for Highly Viscous or Thick Liquid / Mixture Do you need to blend and mix highly viscous or thick liquid / mixture? - do you have raw material / feedstock / ingredients in IBC Tanks...
Brand New HDPE Plastic Drum (200-220 litres) Material: High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Aprroximate Dimensions (cm): 59 (Diameter) x 94 (H) Inlets: 3 x 3 inch inlets Capacity: 200-220 litres Features: Very...
Tamper Proof Plastic Seal, set of 6 Material: Plastic Features: Tamper Proof Plastic Seal can be used to protect the goods / product from tamper, it will not rust or deteriorate easily Tamper Proof Plastic...
Brand New 300 Litres Black Polyethylene (PE) Chemical / Liquid Tank, with Tank Level Guage(no marking of exact volume) Dimensions (cm): 90 (L) x 78 (W) x 65.5 (H) Large assess opening (33cm in diameter) at the top of the...
Used / Reconditioned Schutz IBC Tank (1000 litres) - MX 1000 Dimensions (cm): 120 (L) x 100 (W) x 116 (H) Capacity: 1000 litres, 265 US gal Features: Approved for filling products of a maximum density of 1...
Effective water management is essential for any industrial operation. Without …
Water is a valuable resource that is becoming increasingly scarce in many parts …
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